



I have the exact same problem as this guy , since no one has answered, I decided to repost:

I have been trying to implement this jquery plugin to my app.I need help trying to output something like this

<select name="user[university_id]" id="user_university_id" class="selectable">
<option value="1" title="uni1">Uni1</option>
<option value="2" title="uni2">Uni2</option>

by using a rails helper...the problem is the helpers never seem to output a title attribute to the option tags.. which is critical for this plugin

please help, thanks in advance

Edit: my current rails code is

<%= f.collection_select(:university_id,University.all,:id,:name)%

which simply outputs

<select name="user[university_id]" id="user_university_id">
        <option value="1">Uni1</option>
        <option value="2">Uni2</option>

So basically what I need is a way to also add title attribute to my options.


Its a bit hacky but you could do something like:

$('#user_university_id option').each( function(){
    var optText = $(this).html();
    $(this).attr('title', optText);

This would assign the title with the text contents of the option. Alternatively you could do something more arbitrary using a generated ID.

+1  A: 

Have you thought about rolling your own helper? I just copied this code out of the rails source and then changed the name and added the title.

  def options_for_select_with_title(container, selected = nil)
    return container if String === container

    container = container.to_a if Hash === container
    selected, disabled = extract_selected_and_disabled(selected)

    options_for_select = container.inject([]) do |options, element|
      text, value = option_text_and_value(element)
      selected_attribute = ' selected="selected"' if option_value_selected?(value, selected)
      disabled_attribute = ' disabled="disabled"' if disabled && option_value_selected?(value, disabled)
      options << %(<option title="#{html_escape(value.to_s.downcase)}" value="#{html_escape(value.to_s)}"#{selected_attribute}#{disabled_attribute}>#{html_escape(text.to_s)}</option>)

Geoff Lanotte