My starting problem is this error message:
Problem accessing /segment.htm. Reason:
Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name
'acceptCorrected' available as request attribute
The top-level description of what I'm working on is this:
Form1 solicits some input from the user. When form1 submits, I need to push that data through some processing, and then present form2, containing the results of the processing. I am trying to communicate the results of form1 to form2 via the model returned by form1's controller's onSubmit.
There's reason to believe that this is verboten.
But, if it is, how do I get the data from1 to be available when rendering the JSP page for form2?
<bean name="/segment.htm" class="com.basistech.rseharvest.SegmentFormController">
<property name="sessionForm" value="true"/>
<property name="commandName" value="segment"/>
<property name="commandClass" value="com.basistech.rseharvest.Segment"/>
<property name="validator">
<bean class="com.basistech.rseharvest.SegmentValidator"/>
<property name="formView" value="segment"/>
<property name="successView" value="showSegmented"/>
<property name="segmenter" ref="segmenter"/>
<!-- the page to enter text -->
<bean name="/showSegmented.htm" class="com.basistech.rseharvest.AcceptCorrectedFormController">
<property name="sessionForm" value="true"/>
<property name="commandName" value="acceptCorrected"/>
<property name="commandClass" value="com.basistech.rseharvest.AcceptCorrected"/>
<property name="validator">
<bean class="com.basistech.rseharvest.CorrectionsValidator"/>
<property name="formView" value="showSegmented"/>
<property name="successView" value="segment"/>
<property name="data" ref="data"/>