



Is there a list describing all of the data_type parameters you can use in PDOStatement::bindParam() ? If none, what do you commonly use, and for what type of field ?

According to PHP manual: *data_type* Explicit data type for the parameter using the PDO::PARAM_* constants.

I know about the PDO::PARAM_INT and PDO::PARAM_STR . I've heard of PDO::PARAM_LOB but I wasn't sure how and when to use that, though. (for date ?)

+4  A: 

From the documentation here:

PDO::PARAM_BOOL (integer)
Represents a boolean data type.
PDO::PARAM_NULL (integer)
Represents the SQL NULL data type.
PDO::PARAM_INT (integer)
Represents the SQL INTEGER data type.
PDO::PARAM_STR (integer)
Represents the SQL CHAR, VARCHAR, or other string data type.
PDO::PARAM_LOB (integer)
Represents the SQL large object data type.
PDO::PARAM_STMT (integer)
Represents a recordset type. Not currently supported by any drivers.
Specifies that the parameter is an INOUT parameter for a stored procedure. You must bitwise-OR this value with an explicit PDO::PARAM_* data type.
Tom Haigh
yes, my bad, I missed out the section there. Should've search for PDO constants instead of PDO statement bindParam(). Thank you very much tomhaigh.

In my experience, the best policy is validate and clean input yourself, and when in doubt, just bind as a string (which is the default in PDO AFAIK).
