



I want to check if any of the items in one list are present in another list. I can do it simply with the code below, but I suspect there might be a library function to do this. If not, is there a more pythonic method of achieving the same result.

In [78]: a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

In [79]: b = [8, 7, 6]

In [80]: c = [8, 7, 6, 5]

In [81]: def lists_overlap(a, b):
   ....:     for i in a:
   ....:         if i in b:
   ....:             return True
   ....:     return False

In [82]: lists_overlap(a, b)
Out[82]: False

In [83]: lists_overlap(a, c)
Out[83]: True

In [84]: def lists_overlap2(a, b):
   ....:     return len(set(a).intersection(set(b))) > 0
+12  A: 
def lists_overlap3(a, b):
    return bool(set(a) & set(b))

Note: the above assumes that you want a boolean as the answer. If all you need is an expression to use in an if statement, just use if set(a) & set(b):

John Machin
This is worst-case O(n + m). However, the down side is that it creates a new set, and doesn't bail out when a common element is found early.
Matthew Flaschen
I curious as to why this is `O(n + m)`. My guess would be that sets are implemented using hash-tables, and thus the `in` operator can work in `O(1)` time (except in degenerate cases). Is this correct? If so, given that hash tables have worst case lookup performance of `O(n)`, does this mean that in the unlike worse case it will have `O(n * m)` performance?
@fmark: Theoretically, you are right. Practically, nobody cares; read the comments in Objects/dictobject.c in the CPython source (sets are just dicts with only keys, no values) and see if you can generate a list of keys that will cause O(n) lookup performance.
John Machin
Okay, thanks for clarifying, I was wondering if there was some magic going on :) . While I agree that practically I don't need to care, it is trivial to generate a list of keys that will cause `O(n)` lookup performance ;), see Just for lafs.
@fmark: No magic, just engineering. Yeah it's trivial to define a hash function that returns a constant. Ha ha chuckle chuckle. Now try again, without sodding about with a non-standard hash function.
John Machin
Yeah, I know. Plus I just read the source you pointed me to, which documents even more magic in the case of non-randomish hash functions (such as the built-in one). I assumed it required randomishness, like the Java one, which results in monstrousities like this . I need to keep reminding myself that **Python Is Not Java** (thank deity!).

You could also use any with list comprehension:

any([item in a for item in b])
You could, but the time is O(n * m) whereas the time for the set intersection approach is O(n + m). You could also do it WITHOUT list comprehension (lose the `[]`) and it would run faster and use less memory, but the time would still be O(n * m).
John Machin
While your big O analysis is true, I suspect that for small values of n and m the time it takes to build the underlying hashtables will come into play. Big O ignores the time it takes to compute the hashes.
Anthony Conyers
Building a "hashtable" is amortised O(n).
John Machin
I get that but the constant you're throwing away is pretty big. It doesn't matter for large values of n, but it does for small ones.
Anthony Conyers

You can use the any built in function /w a generator expression:

def list_overlap(a,b): 
     return any(i for i in a if i in b)

As John and Lie have pointed out this gives incorrect results when for every i shared by the two lists bool(i) == False. It should be:

return any(i in b for i in a)
Anthony Conyers
Time is O(n * m).
John Machin
give the wrong result when a = {0, 1, 2} and b = {0, 3, 4}
Lie Ryan
Amplifying Lie Ryan's comment: will give wrong result for any item x that's in the intersection where `bool(x)` is False. In Lie Ryan's example, x is 0. Only fix is `any(True for i in a if i in b)` which is better written as the already seen `any(i in b for i in a)`.
John Machin
Correction: will give wrong result when *all* items `x` in the intersection are such that `bool(x)` is `False`.
John Machin
+6  A: 
def lists_overlap(a, b):
  sb = set(b)
  return any(el in sb for el in a)

This is asymptotically optimal (worst case O(n + m)), and might be better than the intersection approach due to any's short-circuiting.


lists_overlap([3,4,5], [1,2,3])

will return True as soon as it gets to 3 in sb

EDIT: Another variation (with thanks to Dave Kirby):

def lists_overlap(a, b):
  sb = set(b)
  return any(itertools.imap(sb.__contains__, a))

This relies on imap's iterator, which is implemented in C, rather than a generator comprehension. It also uses sb.__contains__ as the mapping function. I don't know how much performance difference this makes. It will still short-circuit.

Matthew Flaschen
Loops in intersection approach are all in C code; there's one loop in your approach that includes Python code. The big unknown is whether an empty intersection is likely or unlikely.
John Machin
You could also use `any(itertools.imap(sb.__contains__, a))` which should be faster still since it avoids using a lambda function.
Dave Kirby
Thanks, @Dave. :) I agree removing the lambda is a win.
Matthew Flaschen