I have a java application I wrote that loads up a TTF font and uses the drawString method from Graphics2D. This gets called every 50ms with the x and y positions changing each time to make the text move. When I run the program on Windows, I get 0-1% CPU usage, but on Mac I get about 75% usage. This Windows machine does have a better CPU but there's no way there should be that big of a difference. I think it has to do with Hardware Acceleration and I want to know how enable it. I found some Mac specific Java properties, but none of them lowered my CPU usage. Any ideas how to increase Java 2D performance on OS X? Thanks.
EDIT1: I thought that these properties would help but they didn't.
System.setProperty("sun.java2d.opengl", "true");
EDIT2: You can download the project source and byte code here: http://drop.io/ExampleScreenSaver