



Can someone point me to right direction, how to create an adapter for AutoCompleteTextView, which would be getting data from SQLite DB, using data, which user entered into the text field? I want to use the user-entered data to filter suggestions for autocompletion. I imagine that adapter should always take user-entered data as soon as changes appears and use it for fetching suggestions on-the-fly. Is that possible? So far I've seen many tutorials for autocompletion where static String arrays were used, but never seen them build dynamically. Is it possible to do it automatically or I need always fetch String array myself and pass as ArrayList to adapter on every AutoCompleteTextView change?

+1  A: 

You might be looking for CursorAdapter. Use it just like an ArrayAdapter, but instead of feeding it with an ArrayList, provide a database Cursor. Google for CursorAdapter and you should get a lot more example codes.
