I would like to achieve the following by introducing a new operator (e.g. :=
a := b = {}
b[1] = 2
p a # => {}
p b # => {1=>2}
As far as I understand, I need to modify the Object
class, but I don't know what to do in order to get what I want.
require 'superators'
class Object
superator ":=" operand # update, must be: superator ":=" do |operand|
# self = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(operand)) # ???
Could you help me with this?
Ok, superators will probably not help me here, but I still want such operator. How can I (or you) create an extension for Ruby, which I could load as a module?
require 'deep_copy_operator'
a !?= b = {} # I would prefer ":=" but don't really care how it is spelled
b[1] = 2
p a # => {}
p b # => {1=>2}