I'm using Java/Spring/Jersey v1.0.3/Jboss. I want to configure a PerformanceInterceptor for my resource. How can I do this? Let's say I have the following configuration:
<bean id="service" class="com.services.RESTfulService" />
<bean name="servicePointcut" class="org.springframework.aop.support.NameMatchMethodPointcut">
<property name="mappedName" value="getCustomResponse"/>
<bean name="servicePointcutAdvisor" class="org.springframework.aop.support.DefaultPointcutAdvisor">
<property name="advice" ref="performanceInterceptor"/>
<property name="pointcut" ref="servicePointcut"/>
<bean id="performanceInterceptor" class="com.services.monitors.PerformanceInterceptor" />
This configuration doesn't work. I have tried otherways as well like for eg with a BeanNameAutoProxyCreator. Still no luck.
Can someone help me out with a Spring configuration to intercept a RESTful service method?
Thanks, Mathew