How do you load a picture into smalltalk? I have found several examples of how to display an image once it is a class resource, but can't find a way to import the picture into my smalltalk environment. (I use the word picture to avoid confusion with the smalltalk image)
One possibility for Squeak/Pharo would be:
HandMorph attach: (SketchMorph fromStream:
asUrl retrieveContents contentStream).
2010-07-03 20:45:25
To load an image as a class resource, the following code should be executed in the workspace.
ImageReader imageFromFile: 'picture.bmp'
toClass: Namespace.MyClass selector: #AccessMethod
where 'picture.bmp' is the image file you want to load, NameSpace.MyClass is the class you want the file to be a resource to, AccessMethod is the name of the method called to return the picture.
2010-07-13 11:55:29