I would like to allow the user to enter (a non-predetermined amount of) values for an Android application preference. Existing examples that come to mind are the alarm clock applications found on various smartphones (iPhone, HTC Android, ...) where the user can add an alarm clock time.*
Can anyone think of a simple way to present an Android user with an extensible list of editable preference values?
So far I've thought of:
- Comma separated values in a simple text field.
- Limit the user to let's say 10 values and implement them as 10 editable preference items (EditTextPreference).
- Make my own fancy sub-application just for these settings (although I'm not sure yet how I'd do that).
Any other ideas?
*(additional nice-to-haves along the lines of the alarm example would be: automatic ordering by value/time, a way to activate/deactivate certain values, a wheel for selecting numeric values similar to time and date selection wheels on the iPhone or Android).