Zend_Paginator uses two methods to define cache ID: _getCacheId and _getCacheInternalId. Second function is calculating cache ID based on two parameters: the number of items per page and special hash of the adapter object. The first function (_getCacheId) is calculating cache ID using result from _getCacheInternalId and current page.
So, if you are using two different paginator objects with 3 same internal parameters: adapter, current page number and the number of items per page, then your cache ID will be the same for these two objects.
So the only way I see is to define you own paginator class inherited from Zend_Paginator and to re-define one of these two internal functions to add a salt to cache ID.
Something like this:
class My_Paginator extends Zend_Paginator {
protected $_cacheSalt = '';
public static function factory($data, $adapter = self::INTERNAL_ADAPTER, array $prefixPaths = null) {
$paginator = parent::factory($data, $adapter, $prefixPaths);
return new self($paginator->getAdapter());
public function setCacheSalt($salt) {
$this->_cacheSalt = $salt;
return $this;
public function getCacheSalt() {
return $this->_cacheSalt;
protected function _getCacheId($page = null) {
$cacheSalt = $this->getCacheSalt();
if ($cacheSalt != '') {
$cacheSalt = '_' . $cacheSalt;
return parent::_getCacheId($page) . $cacheSalt;
$articlesPaginator = My_Paginator::factory($articlesSelect, 'DbSelect');
$categoriesSelect = My_Paginator::factory($categoriesSelect, 'DbSelect');