




I tried from http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html

I have

Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("agg{0}.*");
Matcher m = PATTERN.matcher("agg_0_4_Jul_2010_13_32_53_759_0.csv");

if (m.matches() == true)  => true.

I want this to return FALSE - since it does contain agg in the string start. in short - how to verify the lack of substring (in a positive way) Thanks.


Check contains , it's a method of String

Alberto Zaccagni
+1  A: 

Simple alternative:

if (!csv.startsWith("agg") {
  // do something
+6  A: 

Note on original pattern

Your original pattern contains the very peculiar agg{0}. It needs to be said that this pattern makes no sense. Due to the way precedence between concatenation and repetition, and the fact that {0} is exactly zero repetition of a pattern, this agg{0} is simply ag.

Thus, you get the following:

Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("agg{0}.*");
Matcher m = PATTERN.matcher("aged gouda yum yum!");
System.out.println(m.matches()); // prints "true"

To illustrate how repetition and concatenation interacts, and how sometimes grouping is required, here are some more examples:

System.out.println(  "hahaha".matches("ha{3}")    ); // prints "false"
System.out.println(  "haaa".matches("ha{3}")      ); // prints "true"
System.out.println(  "hahaha".matches("(ha){3}")  ); // prints "true"


On negating a matching

The original specification isn't very clear, but here are some basic facts:

Here are some simple examples:

System.out.println(   "Hello world!".startsWith("Hell")  ); // "true"
System.out.println(   "By nightfall".endsWith("all")     ); // "true"
System.out.println(   "Heaven".contains("joy")           ); // "false"

System.out.println( ! "Hello world!".startsWith("Hell")  ); // "false"
System.out.println( ! "By nightfall".endsWith("all")     ); // "false"
System.out.println( ! "Heaven".contains("joy")           ); // "true"

On negative lookaround

If the combination of Java's logical complement and String's non-regex predicate checks don't work for you, you can use negative lookarounds to negate a match on a pattern.

Generally speaking, if you want to negate what ^pattern$ matches, and for some reason you need this done in the regex itself, you can match on ^(?!pattern$).* instead (perhaps using the single-line mode so the dot matches everything).

Here's an example of matching a*b*, and negating it using negative lookahead:

    String[] tests = {
        "what is this?",
    for (String test : tests) {
        System.out.printf("[%s] %s - %s %n",

The above prints:

[aaabb] true - false 
[abc] false - true 
[bba] false - true 
[aaaa] true - false 
[bbbbbb] true - false 
[what is this?] false - true 


Related questions

Going back to the question

If you insist on using negative lookarounds, then you can use one of these two patterns depending on what you actually need:
