Hi guys,
I'm using JUpload (http://jupload.sourceforge.net/) to process file uploading, as I need the possibility to select a folder and upload all the files within. Well anyways, my problem is that with the same code, on the IIS7 file upload is working and with the Asp Net Development Server (of MS Visual Studio 2010) the upload will fail (Error message: "The string '^SUCCESS$' was not found in the response body").
My code looks like this:
public ActionResult UploadTest(HttpPostedFileBase file)
Debug.WriteLine("ContentType: " +Request.ContentType + " HttpMethod: " + Request.HttpMethod);
Debug.WriteLine("File is null ?: " + (file == null));
Response.StatusCode = 200;
if (file != null)
Debug.WriteLine("filename: " + file.FileName + " size: " + file.ContentLength + " Type: " + file.ContentType);
return Content("SUCCESS");
The log of JUpload shows this in the development server:
and this is from IIS7
From whatI see the files get passed throught the controller, but in the Development server there seems to be an additional HTTP Code 100 which is introducing the error.
I'd be happy for any suggestions :)