I'm trying to use the lxml library to parse an XML file...what I want is to use XML as the datasource, but still maintain the normal Django-way of interactive with the resulting objects...from the docs, I can see that lxml.objectify is what I'm suppossed to use, but I don't know how to proceed after: list = objectify.parse('myfile.xml')
Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks.
A sample of the file (has about 100+ records) is this:
<publisher>Hodder &...</publisher>
<comment rank='1'>Interesting</comment>
<publisher>Penguin Books</publisher>
<comments />
From this, I want to do the following (something just as easy to write as Books.objects.all()
and Books.object.get_object_or_404(isbn=selected) is most preferred )
- Display a list of all books with their respective attributes
- Enable viewing of further details of a book by selecting it from the list