As a new entry to the software development industry I tried to develop my programming skill using different ways. One way I found out is as many suggests by reading code from other authors.
When I begin to develop, I want to use objected oriented design paradigm for any application. As a start I begin with small database programming project such as hotel management, payroll, sales application…etc. However, in my course when I searched in internet for source codes, I find out many programmers develop their source code in internet in procedural way for these type of small application. Although they use vb dot net or C# (objected oriented languages), they try to follow procedural such as they defining all global methods and variable in a one class then they call access the method from a particular form for a particular action.
E.g. for library management application the design may look like this
//one global class for whole method and variable definition
Class globals {
//define public variable and public function such as
//connection to db code
Public void storebooks()
{//code for storing books to db
Public void storeusers
{ //code for storing users to db
//code for searching books …etc
Then a form uses a particular global method and variable for its operation just like module declaration in vb6.
My question is when I try to do the application I try to do using oop methodology by defining class object, attributes …etc. So am I on the right direction? Should I develop these type of application using objected oriented methodology (although small) or I should stick to the above type code I found on the web (procedural way)?
Please explain me in detail when to use oop methodology and when to use procedural if applicable in that respect. My intention is also to develop my software development skill as a graduate