I need to replace a word with another word. But
$var= str_replace($linklabel[$k], $linklabelmod[$k], $var);
is not giving the desired result. For example i have a string
$var="the theory of them thesis";
What i need is, i just want to replace the word "the". But since "the" is repeated in "theory" "thesis" and "them", all those starting three letters are also getting replaced. Then output becomes $var="hhh hhhory of hhhm hhhsis";//wrong But i need the output $var="hhh theory of them thesis";//write I am bad at explaining a question, plz excuse me...
Thanks in advance....
From what I (paxdiablo) can gather from the OP's comments, this is the code following modifications (still claimed not to work):
foreach($xpath->query('//a') as $element) {
$linklabel[] = $element->textContent;
$link[] = $element->getAttribute("href");
for($k=0;$k<$i;$k++) {
$linklabelmod[$k] = str_replace($linklabel[$k], $linklabel[$k]."[$k]", $linklabel[$k]);
$var = preg_replace ('/\b'.preg_quote($linklabel[$k]).'\b/', $linklabelmod[$k], $var);
print $var; //printing web page