Imagine a setup of 6-7 servers all identical with identical java version "1.6.0_18" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8) (fedora-36.b18.fc11-i386) OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)
each running a program (memory and CPU intensive) for hours even days, completing successfully many times (getting statistical data that sort of stuff), but on 1 machine, no matter the parameters or how I've complied (javac -source 1.5 .java/javac -O -source 1.5, javac *, imagine any combination yourself :))
or ran it (-Xms200000k or just java you get the idea)
I eventually get, not at a specific moment or iteration "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1341472392" ?! 1st things first the program would never work with such a large value, let alone negative. (the line of code is a contains call of an ArrayList with integers) (that number is different every time as i've noticed)
Note also that i can "resume" a crashed test and i can on this machine, it does few more tests, crashes again.
Not much of a bother, I dont own the boxes and all the others work, but this is quite strange for me.
Out of personal interest how this happens on the not-very-rosy-anyway OpenJDK?