


  • a standard case - you have a controller (@Controller) with @Scope("session").
  • classes put in the session usually are expected to implement Serializable so that they can be stored physically in case the server is restarted, for example
  • If the controller implements Serializable, this means all Services (other spring beans) it is referring will also be serialized. They are often proxies, with references to transaction mangers, entity manager factories, etc.
  • It is not unlikely that some service, or even controller, hold a reference to the ApplicationCotnext, by implementing ApplicationContextAware, so this can effectively mean that the whole context is serialized. And given that it holds many connections - i.e. things that are not serializable by idea, it will be restored in corrupt state.

So far I've mostly ignored this issues. Recently I thought of declaring all my spring dependencies transient and getting them back in readResolve() by the static utility classes WebApplicationContextUtils and such that hold the request/ServletContext in a ThreadLocal. This is tedious, but it guarantees that when the object is deserialized, its dependencies will be "up to date" with the current application context.

Is there any accepted practice for this, or any guidelines for serializing parts of the spring context.

Note that in JSF, managed beans (~controllers) are stateful (unlike action-based web frameworks). So perhaps my question stands more for JSF, than for spring-mvc.

+2  A: 

Hi Bozho,

I would expect to scope controllers as 'singleton', i.e. once per application, rather than in the session.

Session-scoping is typically used more for storing per-user information or per-user features.

Normally I just store the 'user' object in the session, and maybe some beans used for authentication or such. That's it.

Take a look at the spring docs for configuring some user data in session scope, using an aop proxy:

Hope that helps

Sometimes it makes sense to have scoped controllers also. Not often, but sometimes.
my assumption is that controllers are often of request scope, as you store some per-request information there (i.e. not singleton).
Just curious, I've never used a session-scoped controller - what are some of the cases where it is useful?
matt b
@Bozho, traditionally controllers/servlets should have no state
matt b
@matt b - in spring-mvc, and traditional action-based frameworks, yes, I agree. But in JSF it's not that way. I updated my question to include JSF
Hi Bozho. It's nice to store as little as possible in the session, firstly as you mentioned about needing to make all your serializable, but also regarding session persistence. When you release a new version of your servlet, it's a pain to deal with invalidated sessions due to altered classes, such as services, controllers etc. It's nice to stick to a few pojos (such as a User class), which shouldnt change very often.
+2  A: 

In this presentation (around 1.14) the speaker says that this issue is resolved in spring 3.0 by providing a proxy of non-serializable beans, which obtains an instance from the current application context (on deserialization)

Hans Westerbeek
any change for a link? :)
Found it! 1 hour into the movie
Hans Westerbeek
Great. It explains exactly this issue. and it is resolved. Even without Configurable. I edited your answer to indicate that.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but if I try to serialize a SpringBean I get a NotSeralizable exception on the downstream DataSource (or other unserializable class). I watched the video, he claims it "just works". But I'm not seeing magic here in Spring 3.0.3.
David Parks
serializing a datasource (eg a database connection) doesn't make much sense, I think. Consider what would happen when it is deserialized on 'the other side'. Would that machine still have a connection to the database?
Hans Westerbeek