Think I might have answered my own question here.
I used WSPBuilder to create a custom Web Part, which I then added to the AllItems.aspx page just above the List/View part. The code for that Web Part is:
//Find the folder item for the current page.
String rootFolder = Page.Request.QueryString["RootFolder"];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rootFolder))
SPWeb myWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPFolder folder = myWeb.GetFolder(rootFolder);
if (folder.Exists && folder.Item.ContentType.Name.Equals("MyFolder"))
this.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Margin, "1em");
SPField field = (SPField)folder.Item.Fields["Folder Description"];
this.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(field.GetFieldValueAsHtml(folder.Item["Folder Description"])));
this.Hidden = true;
this.Hidden = true;
As you can see the folders I'm using within the list are based on a custom Content Type called "MyFolder" (which is based on the "Folder" Content Type) and have a Field called "Folder Description" on them. Now, when I'm navigating the folder structure of the list the description of each folder appears above the View. Hurrah.