Hi, i have a problem with some data i retrievied from db with linq. When I try to access data I obtain the following exception: System.ObjectDisposedException : The istance of ObjectContext was deleted and is not possible to use it again for action that need a connection. This is the code:
using (ProvaDbEntities DBEntities =
new ProvaDbEntities(Utilities.ToEntitiesConnectionString()))
ObjectQuery<site> sites = DBEntities.site;
IEnumerable<site> q = from site in sites
select site;
ObjectQuery<auction> auctions = DBEntities.auction;
IEnumerable<auction> q1 = from auction in auctions
where auction.site == this.Name
select auction;
IEnumerable<IAuction> res = q1.Cast<IAuction>();
return res;
catch(Exception e)
throw new UnavailableDbException("[GetAuctions]" + e.Message);
Someone can help me??? Tanks Fabio