I have Quartz coded as follows and the first job runs perfectly:
JobDetail jd = null;
CronTrigger ct = null;
jd = new JobDetail("Job1", "Group1", Job1.class);
ct = new CronTrigger("cronTrigger1","Group1","0/5 * * * * ?");
scheduler.scheduleJob(jd, ct);
jd = new JobDetail("Job2", "Group2", Job2.class);
ct = new CronTrigger("cronTrigger2","Group2","0/20 * * * * ?");
scheduler.scheduleJob(jd, ct);
But I'm finding that Job2, which is a completely separate job to Job1, will not execute.
The scheduler is started using a listener in Java. I've also tried using scheduler.addJob(jd, true); but nothing changes. I'm running Java through a JVM on windows 7.
Any ideas?
Mr Morgan.