



I'm writing a library in PHP 5.3, the bulk of which is a class with several static properties that is extended from by subclasses to allow zero-conf for child classes.

Anyway, here's a sample to illustrate the peculiarity I have found:


class A {
    protected static $a;
    public static function out() { var_dump(static::$a); }
    public static function setup($v) { static::$a =& $v; }
class B extends A {}
class C extends A {}

A::out(); // 'A'
B::out(); // null
C::out(); // null

A::out(); // 'A'
B::out(); // 'B'
C::out(); // null

A::out(); // 'A'
B::out(); // 'B'
C::out(); // 'C'


Now, this is pretty much desired behaviour for static inheritance as far as I'm concerned, however, changing static::$a =& $v; to static::$a = $v; (no reference) you get the behaviour I expected, that is:




Can anyone explain why this is? I can't understand how references effect static inheritance in any way :/

+3  A: 

TL;DR version

The static property $a is a different symbol in each one of the classes, but it's actually the same variable in the sense that in $a = 1; $b = &$a;, $a and $b are the same variable (i.e., they're on the same reference set). When making a simple assignment ($b = $v;), the value of both symbols will change; when making an assignment by reference ($b = &$v;), only $b will be affected.

Original version

First thing, let's understand how static properties are 'inherited'. zend_do_inheritance iterates the superclass static properties calling inherit_static_prop:

zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(&parent_ce->default_static_members TSRMLS_CC,
    (apply_func_args_t)inherit_static_prop, 1, &ce->default_static_members);

The definition of which is:

static int inherit_static_prop(zval **p TSRMLS_DC, int num_args,
    va_list args, const zend_hash_key *key)
    HashTable *target = va_arg(args, HashTable*);

    if (!zend_hash_quick_exists(target, key->arKey, key->nKeyLength, key->h)) {
        if (zend_hash_quick_add(target, key->arKey, key->nKeyLength, key->h, p,
                sizeof(zval*), NULL) == SUCCESS) {

Let's translate this. PHP uses copy on write, which means it will try to share the same actual memory representation (zval) of the values if they have the same content. inherit_static_prop is called for each one of the superclass static properties so that can be copied to the subclass. The implementation of inherit_static_prop ensures that the static properties of the subclass will be PHP references, whether or not the zval of the parent is shared (in particular, if the superclass has a reference, the child will share the zval, if it doesn't, the zval will be copied and new zval will be made a reference; the second case doesn't really interest us here).

So basically, when A, B and C are formed, $a will be a different symbol for each of those classes (i.e., each class has its properties hash table and each hash table has its own entry for $a), BUT the underlying zval will be the same AND it will be a reference.

You have something like:

A::$a -> zval_1 (ref, reference count 3);
B::$a -> zval_1 (ref, reference count 3);
C::$a -> zval_1 (ref, reference count 3);

Therefore, when you do a normal assignment

static::$a = $v;

since all three variables share the same zval and its a reference, all three variables will assume the value $v. It would be the same if you did:

$a = 1;
$b = &$a;
$a = 2; //both $a and $b are now 1

On the other hand, when you do

static::$a =& $v;

you will be breaking the reference set. Let's say you do it in class A. You now have:

//reference count is 2 and ref flag is set, but as soon as
//$v goes out of scope, reference count will be 1 and
//the reference flag will be cleared
A::$a -> zval_2 (ref, reference count 2);

B::$a -> zval_1 (ref, reference count 2);
C::$a -> zval_1 (ref, reference count 2);

The analogous would be

$a = 1;
$b = &$a;
$v = 3;
$b = &$v; //$a is 1, $b is 3


As featured in Gordon's now deleted answer, the reference set between the properties of the three classes can also be broken by redeclaring the property in each one of the classes:

class B extends A { protected static $a; }
class C extends A { protected static $a; }

This is because the property will not be copied to the subclass from the superclass if it's redeclared (see the condition if (!zend_hash_quick_exists(target, key->arKey, key->nKeyLength, key->h)) in inherit_static_prop).

Wow, thanks for the precise explanation :) Nice to know how it works!
@Minty looks like you're not the only one who think it's odd behavior:
@Artefacto it's not deleted. It's hidden and only accessible for club members with 10k reputation :D
@Gordon Eh, not fair :p