



I am inspecting a huge html file with many levels of nested div tags. I am looking for an editor which clearly tells me where the closing tag is located when I select a tag. In Visual studio the way it works it highlights it but I still can't find it! In Notepad++, it creates vertical lines but with so many lines my eyes get crossed!

So I am looking for a better way. An editor which creates a single vertical line or it displays the line number for the closing tag or something visually works perfectly.

Any ideas?


If your editor supports both code folding and line numbers, you could fold that tag and see the line number near the closing tag.


You can use HTMLTidy if you want to autocorrect the missing closing tags, also there is a Firefox plugin which will show you where the error is.

I don't have missing tags. I want to know a closing tag location.
Try XML spy - it has very elegant collapse/expand

In Notepad++ I use the reindent XML tool under the TextFX menu to clean up the XML (if necessary):

TextFX --> TextFX HTML Tidy --> Tidy:Reindent XML

Sometimes it throws in some strange carriage returns but it does help a lot.

Then I use the collapse X level tool for easy viewing, here:

View -> Colapse Level -> X

Pick a level that separates the major chunks of data in your XML and you'll have a lot less trouble reading and editing.
