Hello Friends,
I have an app that is a little bit slow. I thoutght it could be faster using threads.
So, here is my plan: My program have a list of objects of type X and each object X has a very big list of Integers (let's consider Integer for the sake of simplicity).
I have a static method (called getSubsetOfX) that receives a object X from the list of X's and return a list of Integers of the object X the list returned is a subset of all the Integers contained in X.
This method is called for every X contained in the list. Then I insert the returned List in a List of Integer Lists.
This is the code I explained in a compact version:
// Class of object X
public class X{
public List<Integer> listX;
// Utility class
public class Util{
// Return a sub-set of Integer contained in X
public static List<Integer> getSubsetOfX(X x){...}
public class exec{
public static void main(String args[]){
// Let's suppose that lx is already filled with data!
List<X> lx = new ArrayList<X>();
// List of the subsets of integer
List<List<Integer>> li = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();
for(X x : lx){
// I want to turn this step "threadrized"
I don't know if a List allow concurrent insertions. I don't know how to apply threads in it too. I read some about Threads, but, as the run() method doesn't return anything, how can turn the method getSubsetOfX(X x) parallel?
Can you help me doing this?