




I have the following:

Public Interface INorthwindSvc

Function GetEmployeePictureBytesById(ByVal EmpId As String) As Byte()

End Interface

I got the method implemented (using EF 4.0) as follows:

Public Function GetEmployeePictureBytesById(ByVal EmpId As String) As Byte() Implements INorthwindSvc.GetEmployeePictureBytesById
    Dim ctxt As New NorthwindEntities
    Dim q = From c In ctxt.Employees
            Where c.EmployeeID = EmpId
            Select c.Photo

    Return q.FirstOrDefault
End Function

I am able to receive bytes when I access the operation from browser. If I try to access the same using Win Client as follows (an error occurs as shown inline):

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim o As New WebClient
    Dim b() As Byte = o.DownloadData(New Uri("http://localhost:8732/WcfWebHttpSvcLib/rest/EmployeePictureBytes?id=2"))

    Dim ms As New MemoryStream()
    ms.Write(b, 0, b.Length)

    Dim original As New System.Drawing.Bitmap(ms) 'error: parameter is not valid

End Sub

I also tried the same using Image.FromStream. But, still no luck.

Can anyone help me on this?



You're not rewinding the memorystream after writing to it, so trying to read from it will fail That said, even that's unnecessary, as you could just write:

im ms As New MemoryStream(b)
' now call FromStream

I tried originally with the same code as you asked. But, no luck.