



I've created a bunch of errors in a file under APPPATH/messages/validate.php with a bunch of common messages such as...

return array(
    'not_empty'    => ':field must not be empty.',
    'matches'      => ':field must be the same as :param1',
    'regex'        => ':field does not match the required format',
    'exact_length' => ':field must be exactly :param1 characters long',
    'min_length'   => ':field must be at least :param1 characters long',
    'max_length'   => ':field must be less than :param1 characters long',
    'in_array'     => ':field must be one of the available options',
    'digit'        => ':field must be a digit',
    'email'        => 'You must enter a valid email.',
    'name'         => 'You must enter your name.',
    'enquiry'      => 'You must enter your enquiry.',
    'captcha' => array (
        'Captcha::valid' => 'The characters you entered did not match the image. Please try again.',
        'not_empty' => 'You must enter the characters from the image.'

This works great when I get errors like $errors = $post->errors('validate').

Is there a way to use these errors as base errors, and if I have a separate form which needs more, I can use a separate file with only the differences in it, for example it may look like

return array(
    'permissions'    => 'Please agree to the permissions',

So obviously, any email error message will come from validate.php (inherited), but any permissions error will come from the new file with the error definition for permissions.

I named the file validate.php because the inherit behaviour seems to work with the system folder and that is what it is called under SYSPATH/messages/validate.php (see it on GitHub).

Can my error messages inherit from a base file, or should I just copy all the error messages per form?


This is hacky, but it works!

$commonErrors = include APPPATH .  'messages/validate.php';

$errors =  array(
    'permission' => array(
        'not_empty' => 'You must give permission to continue.'

return array_merge($commonErrors, $errors);

Basically, it auto inherits the base rules for you!

+3  A: 

without "hacks":


    $not_model_errors = Validate::factory(array())->rule(NULL, 'permissions_rules'); // doesn't matter what args you send here, just meet the vartype
    // add test error
    $not_model_errors->error(NULL, 'test_error', array());

    $this->template->errors = $orm->validate()->errors('validation') + $not_model_errors->errors('permissions');

your model shouldn't validate your businesses logic.

+2  A: 

Inheritance works automatically, follow this pattern:

  1. Search for a field+error specific message in the given file
  2. Search for a field+default message in the given file
  3. Search for a generic message in the given file
  4. Search for a generic message in validate file

So, if you overload the validate file and change the default messages, then inheritance will work as expected.

Hey Shadowhand, thanks for the answer. Do you mean change `validate` in the system folder? Because when I copied that `validate` file into the `APPPATH/messages` folder, IIRC, it didn't work.
It should be placed in `APPPATH/messages`.

common errors: APPPATH/messages/validate.php

return array(
    'email'        => 'You must enter a valid email.',
    'name'         => 'You must enter your name.',
    'enquiry'      => 'You must enter your enquiry.',
    'captcha' => array (
        'Captcha::valid' => 'The characters you entered did not match the image. Please try again.',
        'not_empty' => 'You must enter the characters from the image.'

specific errors: APPPATH/messages/specific.php

return array(
    'permissions'    => 'Please agree to the permissions',

Kohana uses these sequence to find the message: APPPATH/messages/specific.php, APPPATH/messages/validate.php and SYSPATH/messages/validate.php
