



Now that native code can have assemblies (e.g. "unmanaged assembly") for side-by-side cache usage, I'm interested in changing the version of a DLL after it is built (as part of an incremental build auto-versioning scheme). I think I'm close using this commmand:

mt -updateresource:MyNewlyBuiltThing.dll;#2 -identity:"MyNewlyBuiltThing, version="

That command gives me the following error:

mt.exe : general error c101008d: Failed to write the updated manifest to the resource of file "MyNewlyBuiltThing.dll". Access is denied.

That command is executed from a command prompt with administrator privileges, and I have no anti-virus software on my development box (and the file does not have a read-only flag set).

Perhaps the problem is that I'm using the wrong name in the identity string. After all, when I load the embedded resource of the binary into Visual Studio, it shows a manifest that doesn't bother to mention its name - it only mentions the names of dependencies.

Anyway, I was just wondering if the mt.exe could be coaxed into giving me the post-build version-bumping of a non-managed assembly. Any insight of what I'm doing wrong? And if this is not possible, why?