



My goal is to modify the Launcher application and dynamic modify and change theme,I saw several 'home' apps as ,it looks like they took the default Home(Launcher) and modify it. The only thing I'm wondering is how they did that? usually what thing i need to modify in Launcher folder,because i donot know where to try ,thank you for your reply.

+1  A: 

The standard Launcher is open source so you can definitely grab it and modify it the way you want. For your app to be used as the Home Screen you will need to specify the correct Intent filter in your AndroidManifest.xml and the user will have to choose your app when they press the Home button. Why don't you grab that code, play with it and come back when you have more questions and more of an idea of what you want to change.

thank you,i have grabbed the Launcher source ,if i want to change theme of android,or other people can changed theme using my app,where and how to modify the Launcher?