I got the idea to create a purely code-driven striped image background when I saw Katy Perry's website: http://www.katyperry.com/
Then I saw the animation of the rotating earth on FoWD's 404 page: http://futureofwebdesign.com/404
I believe this same concept should be possible using html5, css3 and canvas. Here's what I'm thinking: Have static content text to read while slowly in the bg the stripes (similar to the bg image on Katy's site) will rotate indefinitely (similarly to FoWD's graphic) but all without the use of images or additional graphics. Obviously, the target browsers would be Firefox, Chrome and Safari due to limitations in the rest.
Can this be done using no raster images or javascript? I'm a total noob with canvas and javascript but I do understand the concepts used by these technologies but have no clue where to begin with this. It's more of a proof of concept right now but I'd like to use it for an upcoming project.