




I love stretching my terminal on unix. What is the history or reason behind windows lame command line?

+39  A: 

It isn't. You can right click the title bar, select properties, and in the "Layout" tab alter the screen buffer size (line width and scrollback) and the window size (viewport size). If you started cmd from a shortcut, you can save these settings for future sessions.

Don't forget font/color. Nothing is as nice as going back to some retro green screens when I open up my command prompt. 8^D
You mean, "nothing other than changing the font to consolas" http://www.hanselman.com/blog/UsingConsolasAsTheWindowsConsoleFont.aspx
I always jump in and set the width to 180 and the scrollback to 9999. It's not like you need it very often, but I've never had it hurt anything (even in the days of 128mb machines and the one time you need it, you'll REALLY be glad you set it before hand. The width is a personal preference, I don't like seeing line wraps from my compiler except under extreme conditions, but others don't ever like to scroll.
Bill K
Increasing the screen buffer height is very underrated. That kind of scrolling is all too often necessary to be able to fully read a program's output to the screen (unless you use MORE).
Coding With Style
+18  A: 

It's not limited.

  1. Run cmd.exe
  2. Click on the icon in the upper left hand of the screen.
  3. Select Properties
  4. Select the Layout tab.
  5. Set the buffer and window widths to whatever you like.
  6. Click OK
  7. Select Save Properties for future...
  8. Click OK.

You might want to check out Console. It's an open source app that lets you run multiple shells in a tabbed environment. You can also set the alpha-transparency of the shells.

Tim Stewart
Console is very nice.

Since it will scroll left to right as well as up and down, the very first thing I do on a system is define my width as 180 and save it. That's generally enough so that stack traces don't have to wrap for the most part, but not so much that you are waisting a ton of space.

While you're at it, set the vertical size (scrollback buffer) to all 9's. You'll be glad you did some day.

Bill K
+3  A: 

I don't know the history behind it, but this wishlist item from the author of PuTTy is an interesting post that explains the technical hurdles involved with any type of cmd.exe replacement that isn't lame:


You don't mention that you're looking for a replacement, but if so you might also check out some of the cmd.exe replacements like Console 2 or JP Software's Take Command etc. I've also had some good experiences with PuTTy-Cyg which lets you use PuTTy as a cygwin shell.

+3  A: 

While the width is not limited as other answers show, I've always found it strange that one can drag and resize the height with the mouse, but not the width.

I think the default 80 character width is related to compatibility with old programs that assume the terminal won't be more than 80 characters wide. I don't think this has been a realistic reason for a decade or so, though.

Greg Hewgill
Both the width and the height can be resized, it just happens that the default window width is equal to the buffer width. You cannot make the window larger than the buffer, so the only option (with the default 80-column setting) is to reduce the width.

Because MS value "backwards compatibility" over a lot of things and in this case I suspect it's a misplaced belief that it will somehow unnerve people if they don't have their standard 80 wide window.

Of course it could be that it was programmed for a fixed 80 chars width when that was pretty much universal, and the additional property settings were a bit of a hack.

+2  A: 

As others have pointed out, it's not limited to 80 characters wide, but my guess as to why it defaults to 80 characters would be that it's left over from the DOS days where CRT displays were 80 characters wide.

See also

Patrick Cuff
Can modern monitor be wider than 80 characters in text mode?
It can; at least for Linux...
Patrick Cuff
you might have to be running with a framebuffer mode to make this work (but I may be wrong, it's been a while.)
There are a few SVGA modes that are 132 characters wide without using a framebuffer mode, but they're pretty haphazardly supported. One of those mode is listed in my answer.
Coding With Style
It goes back further than that: The reason IBM made its CRT displays 80 columns wide was that its punch cards were 80 columns wide.

It IS limited. Check it out. (I mean window size NOT buffer)

You will find that the maximum width you can set is limited but varies according to your screen resolution. If your resolution is set to 1024 x 768 you will find that you can only get to 128 on the command prompt width. 128/1024=.125

you will find that ratio to be consistent across the board. I have an RDP session running at 2000x768 (across two of my three monitors) and get a max width of 250.

Now, that actaully turns out to be a little bigger than your actaul monitor size but I have three monitors all running individual desktops. (so in essence, 3 1024x768 resolutions) and if I want to do something SO SIMPLE as stretch a command prompt across 2 or more monitors, I CAN'T. (I want to when doing things with very long paths (diruse.exe/etc.)...


If you make your font size smaller, you can get (relatively) bigger window sizes. I just got over 300 wide on a 1600x1200 screen.
Michael Myers
You can still make your line width bigger and scroll the window. I've made mine 160 or 180 wide since VGA days.
Bill K
+14  A: 

If you are mouse-phobic you can also just type this inside the cmd window:

mode <cols>,<lines>
mode 80,25
mode 120,50
+3  A: 
Coding With Style
+2  A: 

You could also use a different terminal application, such as Console2, which allows you to resize the window all you want (among other things, such as transparency, and the ability to use any font you'd like). It's a great application, I've switched to it and now I only use cmd.exe when I absolutely have to.
