



utilising xcode using the random function i want to switch to from a view to a randomly selected new view...can some one give me some direction.


A new view (randomly selected) subview of the current view or some view across your application?

For subviews: you could use the tag property of every view, assign a value to it and use viewWithTag: to find a view based on the tag (= the randomly generated number from before).

For views across your app: Why would you want to do something like this? Doesn't sound exactly like good design to me.

thanks for your reply yes iv reconsidered this strategy
johnathan bridges
im trying to achieve a particular approach that may seem to to the savvy programmer like inefficient coding but i guess im experimenting if i use awake from nib can i load a view from wnen the a case is randomly selected... thanks for your help much appreciated
johnathan bridges