I wrote a thread, it is taking too much time to execute and it seems it is not completely done. I want to stop the thread gracefully. Any help ?
Make a volatile boolean stop
somewhere. Then in the code that runs in the thread, regularly do
if (stop) // end gracefully by breaking out of loop or whatever
To stop the thread, set stop
to true
I think you must do it manually this way. After all, only the code running in the thread has any idea what is and isn't graceful.
The good way to do it is to have the run()
of the Thread guarded by a boolean
variable and set it to from outside when you want to stop it, something like:
class MyThread extends Thread
volatile boolean finished = false;
public void stopMe()
finished = true;
public void run()
while (!finished)
//do dirty work
Once upon a time a stop()
method existed but as the documentation states
This method is inherently unsafe. Stopping a thread with Thread.stop causes it to unlock all of the monitors that it has locked (as a natural consequence of the unchecked ThreadDeath exception propagating up the stack). If any of the objects previously protected by these monitors were in an inconsistent state, the damaged objects become visible to other threads, potentially resulting in arbitrary behavior.
That's why you should have a guard..
You should not kill Thread from other one. It's considered as fairly bad habit. However, there are many ways. You can use return
statement from thread's run
Or you can check if thread has already been interrupted and then it will cancel it's work. F.e. :
while (!isInterrupted()) {
// doStuff
You need to send a stop-message to the Thread and the Thread itself needs to take action if the message has been received. This is pretty easy, if the long-running action is inside loop:
public class StoppableThread extends Thread {
private volatile boolean stop = false;
public void stopGracefully() {
stop = true;
public void run() {
boolean finished = false;
while (!stop && !finished) {
// long running action - finished will be true once work is done
The bad part about using a flag to stop your thread is that if the thread is waiting or sleeping then you have to wait for it to finish waiting/sleeping. If you call the interrupt method on the thread then that will cause the wait or sleep call to be exited with an InterruptedException. You can write the thread's run method so that the InterruptedException is caught outside whatever looping logic the thread is doing.
(BTW calling interrupt() also sets an interrupted property that you can use as a flag to check whether to quit.)