Hi, I am stumped by a problem which i'd assume is a common Jquery occurence, but i've no idea how to fix!
I have 5 variables -
var pubtimed
var toolstimed
var newstimed
var mylinkstimed
var partnerstimed
Which are used to store on and off states.
I then have a script that checks cookies for recent states and updates the variables accordingly, then forwards the details onto a render function -
var map = {
'pub': $.cookie('nwphportal_tabExpPub'),
'tools': $.cookie('nwphportal_tabExpTools'),
'news': $.cookie('nwphportal_tabExpNews'),
'mylinks': $.cookie('nwphportal_tabExpLinks'),
'partners': $.cookie('nwphportal_tabExpPartners')
$.each(map, function (key, value) {
if (value != null) {
var varname = key + 'timed';
varname = value;
} else {
var varname = key + 'timed';
varname = "1"
The problem I have is that I want the variable varname to be treated as each of the 5 variables above (e.g. key plus timed = pubtimed). But this doesnt happen and I just get an error. I could just place a list of if statements to fix this, but wondered if there were a better solution?
Please help if you can!
Cheers for your time. Paul