I'm trying to provide live parsing of a file upload in CGI and show the data on screen as it's being uploaded.
However, Apache2 seems to want to wait for the full POST to complete before sending the CGI application anything at all.
How can I force Apache2 to stop buffering the POST to my CGI application?
It appears that it's actually the output of the CGI that's being buffered. I started streaming the data to a temp file to watch it's progress. That, and I have another problem.
1) The output is being buffered. I've tried SetEnvIf (and simply SetEnv) for "!nogzip", "nogzip", and "!gzip" without success (within the CGI Directory definition).
2) Apache2 appears to not be reading the CGI's output until the CGI process exits? I notice that my CGI app (flushing or not) is hanging up permanently on a "fwrite(..., stdout)" line at around 80K.
Okay, Firefox is messing with me. If I send a 150K file, then there's no CGI lockup around 80K. If the file is 2G, then there's a lockup. So, Firefox is not reading the output from the server while it's trying to send the file... is there any header or alternate content type to change that behavior?
Okay, I suppose the CGI output lockup on big files isn't important actually. I don't need to echo the file! I'm debugging a problem caused by debugging aids. :)
I guess this works well enough then. Thanks!
Just as a note... the reason I thought Apache2 was buffering input was that I always got a "Content-Length" environment variable. I guess FireFox is smart enough to precalculate the content length of a multipart form upload and Apache2 was passing that on. I thought Apache2 was buffering the input and reporting the length itself.