



Hello everyone, I'm working on this App and I had to do a bit deep view hierarchy to acchieve a correct flipView effect with an scrollView like this but I ended up with modalViews appearing bellow the tabBar like you can see on the picture. Is it HIG compliant? I read the Apple document and doesn't say anything about this particular effect.

I use to have a simpler view hierarchy but I had this problem were the pageController didn't flipped out and it stayed on top of the tableView as well as the ADBannerView and the scrollView kept detecting swipes and so changing the page without user consent.

What I have now is a tabBar with one element being a custom ViewController with a view that loads another view composed of one scrollView and a pageControl, each page in the scrollView holds yet another view that right now has one UIImageView but is meant to have more elements. When the user taps over one page of the scrollView it loads a tableView with the corresponding data.

I don't think I can do it in a different fashion without suffering a regression to the mentioned issues.