



Lets take a static html page as a scenario, lets say you have a DIV element that you wish to only render fully within a users browser AFTER all its content has already been fully loaded instead of having bits and pieces of it appear. Any ideas appreciated! thanks

+1  A: 

I would use jQuery, the DIV would have a style of display:none, and my body onLoad function would set the display to block.


trigger your code after the dom ready event. Link here for more details.

Teja Kantamneni
+1  A: 

Hide the DIVs and show them with JavaScript when onload fires. E.g.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""&gt;

    <script type="text/javascript">
      function showHidden() {
        document.getElementById("cantseeme").style.display='block'; // Show it

  <body onload="showHidden();">
    <div id="cantseeme" style="display:none;">Hidden element</div>
Gert G
thanks thats very helpful
No problem and thanks. JavaScript always comes handy when you need to modify the page in one way or another. :)
Gert G
Rather than using onload, if you put the script at the very end of the file, after the body, wouldn't that achieve the same effect?
@Will - Putting it at the end might trigger while images and objects are still loading. That's why it's better to trigger it `onload`.
Gert G