



After messing with oauth and discovering the final leg of twitter oauth was not reliably sending back the oauth_verifier (though it seemed to authenticate anyway!), i got a bit disgruntled.

then i discovered @anywhere, the javascript twitter lib, and thought i'd give it a go.

@anywhere out of the box seems designed to allow one to do stuff like setup a tweetbox on your page. this is quite lovely but i also want my app to be able to interact with twitter server-side, i.e. from a Django script.

the auth cycle from @anywhere returns a cookie called twitter_anywhere_identity.

its format is defined as something like "userid:signature" where the signature is verifiable via hashing against the application consumer secret to prove that the cookie really came from twitter.

BUT can anyone tell me whether/how the twitter_anywhere_identity cookie (contains information that?) can be used as an access token? (if not, i'm going back to normal oauth...i guess.)

speaking of which, can anyone tell me which python library is really the best for twitter? there seem to be about 8 of them out there.



+1  A: 

Not yet, but in the works, if I correctly interpret an August 9th comment from Taylor Singletary:

We'll have a solution for this announced soon that will allow you to move more seamlessly between the (non-OAuth 1.0a) access tokens that make up @Anywhere requests and server-side REST requests using OAuth 1.0a access tokens.

meantime, i got my OAuth1.0a solution working and i'm cool with that. ;)

