



Hi there Im using windsor as a DI container,

my code is below

public static class ContainerBuilder
        public static IWindsorContainer Build()
            var container = new WindsorContainer("Configuration\\Windsor.config");

            // automatically register controllers
                                   .Configure(c => c.LifeStyle.Transient.Named(c.Implementation.Name.ToLower())));


               Component.For<IServiceLocator>().Instance(new WindsorServiceLocator(container)),


            return container;

I need to call this from a test project , the problem is that when I do this the windsor.config is never found and the test seems to always fail, where is the best way to place this config file or is there a better approach to doing this? Thanks


Just make the config path configurable, e.g.

public static IWindsorContainer Build(string configPath) {
  var container = new WindsorContainer(configPath);

In your app the configPath is "Configuration\Windsor.config" while in your tests you'll have a path like "....\Configuration\Windsor.config".

Note that you shouldn't generally depend on the container in your tests, unless you're running some integration tests.

Also a static container builder doesn't seem like a good idea, take a look at Windsor Installers to register your components in a modular way.

Mauricio Scheffer
Hi Mauricio Thanks for the answer, yes I am running integration tests. All the examples I have seen regarding windsor uses a static container, what is the benefit of the windsor installers
@Matthew: modularity. I recommend checking out
Mauricio Scheffer