



So, i'm having a lot of trouble with this little piece of code. An example timestamp is this: '1278509422000'.. the problem is that it comes in as a string and I have to convert it somehow. I know about the problem with milliseconds and have tried dividing by a 1000 and much more (intval/floatval) but it just will not become a correct datetime value.


$gp = new Zend_Gdata_Photos(Zend_Gdata_AuthSub::getHttpClient($data->token), "Bla");
try {
    $userFeed = $gp->getUserFeed("default");
    foreach ($userFeed as $userEntry) {
        $album = $userEntry->getGphotoName();
        try {
            $query = $gp->newAlbumQuery();
            $albumFeed = $gp->getAlbumFeed($query);
            foreach ($albumFeed as $photo) {
                $time = date('Y-m-d H:m:s', $photo->getGphotoTimestamp());
        } catch(Exception $e) {
} catch(Exception $e) {
$time = date('Y-m-d H:m:s', intval($photo->getGphotoTimestamp())/1000);
:) nice try but this is exactly what I meant when I said I knew about the milliseconds problem.. Here are 2 screenshots to show you I at least tried it .. Code: DB: ... thanks for trying though!
1) Try intval($photo->getGphotoTimestamp())/1000) instead of floatval($photo->getGphotoTimestamp()/1000))2) User intval instead of flaotval
:/ actually that was a suggestion made by a colleague.. i've tried both now and both don't give the correct answer..

Ok.. So as it turns out, ZendGData is very very object oriented and the function getGphotoTimestamp() returns an object instead of and timestamp. I did not notice this because of the out-of-the way place the code has in the project (in a gearman job) and the fact that the object implements a __toString() which returns the string rep of the timestamp! Using floatval( strval( ... ) ) did the trick!