
Haskell REST/GDATA API library

Is there available REST api library for haskell? I need it primary for google gdata client, but will probably use it for other purposes too. I know there is HTTP library, but I need something more high level, which supports things like json encoding/decoding, etc... ...

How do I upload a photo for a contact using the Google Contact .NET client library

So after scouring the Internet I pieced together the following code to upload a photo for a Google Contact: System.Drawing.Bitmap Image = new Bitmap( @"C:\test.jpg" ); System.IO.MemoryStream Memory = new MemoryStream(); Image.Save( Memory, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg ); Service.Update ( Contact.PhotoEditUri, ...

Android java.lang.VerifyError?

In my Android app, I always get VerifyErrors! And I cannot figure out why. Whenever I include a external JAR, I always get VerifyErrors when I try to launch my app (except for once, when I included Apache Log4j.) I usually get around this by taking the source of the library and adding it to my project, but I am trying to put the GData cl...

Google Data API authentication

I am trying to get my Django app (NOT using Google app engine) retrieve data from Google Contacts using Google Contacts Data API. Going through authentication documentation as well as Data API Python client docs First step (AuthSubRequest) which is getting the single-use token works fine. The next step(AuthSubSessionToken), which is upg...

Class Diagram or Object Diagram for Zend framework Gdata

I am looking for a Class Diagram for Zend Gdata. Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_SpreadsheetEntry object I would like to know if there is a Class Diagram or is it called an Object Diagram, for this is. ...

What is excatly the technology stack defining Web APIs?

What are the abstract levels of technology that are used to build a Web APIs such as GData? ...

GData Java Client not working because Google redirects to localized site

I'm following the documentation at Google Analytics Data API - Java and am getting the RedirectRequiredException exception, because Google is redirecting me to a local version of the site ( The code: AnalyticsService as = new AnalyticsService("me-myapp-1.0"); as.setUserCredentials(username, password); AccountFeed ac...

Accessing Google APIs from iPhone native app

I'd like to access some Google API's from within an iPhone native app. I'm not a web programmer and have never used AJAX, but I'm guessing I need some kind of bridge between Objective-C and Javascript. Ideally I'd just fire XML at Google and process the result. I really have no idea were to start. Has anyone successfully done this, or...

copy worksheet from one spreadsheet to another

Is it possible to copy spreadsheets with gdata API or worksheets from one spreadsheet to other? For now i copy all cells from one worksheet to another. One cell per request. It is too slow. I read about "cell batch processing" and write this code: src_key = 'rFQqEnFWuR6qoU2HEfdVuTw'; dst_key = 'rPCVJ80MHt7K2EVlXNqytLQ' sheetcl = gdat...

gdata parse error

Hello guys, Recently I have noticed that the code that worked for ages is gives the following error on $yt->insertEntry... C0 GData ParseException Error trying to parse element. 0 This is the code I use. It's a standard one: $httpClient=Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($username,$password,'youtube',null,$source,null,null,$aut...

Converting Google Video Codes to Video Titles

I have 200+ Google video codes and am searching for a way of collecting all their associated video titles. I know I could just type 200+ urls into a browser window and copy and paste, but that's pretty slow going and I'd prefer something automated. Thanks ...

Google App Engine cannot find gdata module

I can run a simple "Hello World" Google App Engine application on localhost with no problems. However, when I add the line "import gdata.auth" to my Python script I get "ImportError: No module named gdata.auth". I have installed the gdata module and added the following line to my .bashrc: export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Library/Python/...

Authorizing localhost with gdata and AuthSub?

While testing I started walking through authorizing my test machine (, a local IP) with YouTube, which seemed successful. That IP is listed under my authorized sites. However, any actual requests say I'm not authenticated. I'm guessing it isn't going to work because the requests seem to be coming from my Public IP, right? ...

Accessing Google Map Listing From GData

Im trying to create a "search nearby" shops on iphone, but i can not find any solution on how to get the data from Gdata Libraries. They only support the following Google services provides a Google data API, but not google maps?! Google Base Blogger Book Search Calendar Code Search Co...

Google Apps domain as OpenID provider

How can I make my Google Apps domain to be OpenID provider. Is there any documentation, tutorial, working example something? How to authenticate users in my own application using Google Apps domain authentication (I mean without OpenID). I've heard that it's something about gdata api but I don't know where to start. Are there any useful...

How to remove `limitedSyndication` from YouTube Data API search results

The following query will return results, but some of them will contain a limitedSyndication restriction. This cannot be filtered out by format or by restriction parameters.

How to add google api to .net c#

how can i add the google data API to the .net frame work. I saw the gdata documentation but was of no help. Should i use web reference? ...

AuthSub session token never expires; security problem?

I'm using GData's AuthSub so that my administrative application doesn't need to store user/password information. I just came to the point in the documentation where I learned how to exchange the first, single-use token, for a session token ( And then this state...

Google Javascript Data API for Calendar - Event times not available

I would like to use the gdata API to retrieve some event entries from a public calendar feed. Here is the code that I'm using: var calendarService = new google.gdata.calendar.CalendarService('GoogleInc-jsguide-1.0'); var feedUri = ''; var gquery = new google.gdata.calendar.CalendarEv...

Getting Zend_GData Feed for a Specific Google Calendar

I had a long detailed question about how to get a specific calendar's event feed, but figured (I think) a solution out before I posted. However, even with the solution I'm left wondering what I'm missing about this process. To get a single calendar's event feed (or to search that feed) I do the following: Authenticate (obviously) Get a...