
Android java.lang.VerifyError?

In my Android app, I always get VerifyErrors! And I cannot figure out why. Whenever I include a external JAR, I always get VerifyErrors when I try to launch my app (except for once, when I included Apache Log4j.) I usually get around this by taking the source of the library and adding it to my project, but I am trying to put the GData cl...

FlexBuilder 3 - ActionScript Only - AIR Application

Using an ActionScript only project for AIR dev in FlexBuilder 3. I've already gone through the setup of changing the .mxml to .as to generate the main working file. I've also used NativeWindow.stage to get access for addChild, etc. Is there something I'm missing? When I try to use any flex codebase, there are always 'VerifyErrors'. Also,...

VerifyError When Running jUnit Test on Android 1.6

Here's what I'm trying to run on Android 1.6: package com.healthlogger.test; public class AllTests extends TestSuite { public static Test suite() { return new TestSuiteBuilder(AllTests.class).includeAllPackagesUnderHere().build(); } } and: package com.healthlogger.test; public class RecordTest extends AndroidTes...

WAS 6.1 java.lang.VerifyError: class loading constraint violated

The environment is WAS 6.1 on Linux, deploying a webapp that uses classes from xercesImpl.jar. Due to company policy restrictions, the app must be deployed with settings: Class Loader Order Classes loaded with parent class loader first -> Classes loaded with application class loader first WAR class loader policy Class loader ...

Android java.lang.VerifyError for private method with annotated argument.

I have a very simple project that compiles, but can't be started on Emulator. The problem is with this method: private void bar(@Some String a) {} // java.lang.VerifyError The issue can be avoided if annotation removed private void bar(String a) {} // OK or the method visibility changed: void bar(@Some String a) {} // OK public vo...

java.lang.VerifyError on method that worked a minute ago

Apologies in advance but I have never seen this error before and don't know what to include. I am using NetBeans and suddenly began getting this error: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: market/CostOperations, method: <init> signature: ()V) Constructor must call super() or this() at Bluebu...

Handle VerifyError: Error #1014 when loading swfs using AS3

We are making a system that has a main swf for the application, and loads separate tools from separate swfs -- there will be versioning issues in the future since the separate swfs are coming from a cms (especially now since we're still developing, but also in the future when other developers might create an incompatible tool). I'm tryin...

VerifyError, or using overridePendingTransition while maintaining compatibility?

I've got an application that uses overridePendingTransition to do some custom animations upon transitioning from one activity to the other. This was made available in Android 2.0, but I want to make the application work on Android 1.6. I figured if I just checked that android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.DONU...

Android jAudioTagger Problem - Reading mp3 file - VerifyError

Hi All, I have the following error but cannot workout the problem, i am READING MP3 files and the below error seems to come as it tries to WRITE MP4 files. AudioFile f =; Error comes after calling the above and passing the first MP3 file 08-27 09:51:47.671: ERROR/dalvikvm(4485): Could not find class ...

How do I avoid a VerifyError when testing code using mobile-specific classes in AIR/AS3?

I'm an experienced AS3 developer doing AIR development for the first time in order to create an iPhone app. I'm trying to account for variable device orientations using the StageOrientationEvent and related classes, and I'm getting a VerifyError when trying to test on a desktop machine, presumably because orientation-related classes are...