
Google Authentication API: How to get the user's gmail address

Hi, I've been studying the Google authentication API (AuthSub)...My question is, how do I get the user's account information (at least his Gmail address) after the authentication has passed? Because currently, all I get back from the authentication process is a token granting me access to which ever Google service I have specified in ...

AuthSub/OAuth, ASP.NET and Google API

I have an Idea for a simple webApp that would cross-link information from Evernote to Google Calendar. I was able to find a good Evernote Quickstart project but I am now searching for something to start with to begins accessing Calendar. Please advise if you know any good resources with code samples that would show me how to do the dirty...

Authorizing localhost with gdata and AuthSub?

While testing I started walking through authorizing my test machine (, a local IP) with YouTube, which seemed successful. That IP is listed under my authorized sites. However, any actual requests say I'm not authenticated. I'm guessing it isn't going to work because the requests seem to be coming from my Public IP, right? ...

AuthSub session token never expires; security problem?

I'm using GData's AuthSub so that my administrative application doesn't need to store user/password information. I just came to the point in the documentation where I learned how to exchange the first, single-use token, for a session token ( And then this state...

HTTP/1.1 401 Token invalid - AuthSub token has wrong scope

I get this error when trying to get a feed from Google Analytics API. However, using the same token I get successful feeds from Google Calendar. The code between the two is exactly the same except for the feed url. So it must have something to do with Analytics being https and Calendar just http. I have successfully created a non-s...

Programmatically change gmail status via OAuth or Authsub

I would like my application to programmatically update my user's gmail/google talk status on their behalf but I dont want to store their password because of the privacy risk Does anyone know if/how it is possible to use Oauth or some other form of authentication that does not require password storage. The Google data api docs I have s...

oauth vs authsub

why do we need authsub when we have oauth? ...

Invalid Authsub token in Google sites for apps

I do not get any error while trying to access feed content for google sites from application hosted on gmail authenticated account. But I get Token invalid - Invalid AuthSub token. when I try to access application from google apps accounts managed GAE application. I have tried both and http://sites.go...

Server rejected one time use token in Google Authsub

Here is the stacktrace and can you figure why its happening? It was working sometimes back but now I am getting this dump. I am trying to authenticate access to google sites using java authsub client library. Error: Server rejected one time use 403: OK at

Does the token generated by Googls AuthSub change when a user logs into your application for the 2nd or 3rd time and how would you store information (mySQl) against for that token if it changes?

Im trying to build and automated log in using Googles authSub, but I need to store data for the users the log in. ... and basically I don't get it. Should the token from Google change the 2nd time a user logs in, that user looses his / her info and you don't get any info like a userId that you can use to store information against it. U...

AuthSub with PHP

Can I use AuthSub with PHP ? I want to use Google API with PHP but don't want to install Zend Framework.I'm goolging and not found with AuthSub class for PHP. ...

Google Contacts API - No Redirection

Hello there, I am currently working on Contact Importer web app (in PHP) so I will be able to grab email address from a user's account on Gmail, Yahoo, etc and use them for my own evil purposes. Just kidding, my web app is very friendly. I thought I would start with Google. I found they have a fantastic little API called Google Contact...

How does one retrieve the email address of a user with GData?

I'm trying to use GData to retrieve the email address, real name, and profile URL of the user that just authorized my site using Google OAuth. We know how to request it using Google's OpenID flow, but the OpenID flow has the severe limitation that we have to ask for a Google Apps user's domain before we know where to send them to log in...

Syncing google calendar with custom calendar

I am using google calendar API to sync google calendar with our custom calendar. Right now I am trying it with a crude way by asking user if he/she wants to sync their calendar with google or not. If they say "yes" , I show them login screen where they have to enter their google user id and password and the calendar will be synced. But n...

How do I get secure AuthSub session tokens in PHP ?

I am using the Google/YouTube APIs to develop web application which needs access to a users YouTube account. Normal unsecure requests work fine and I can upgrade one time tokens to session tokens without any hassle. The problem comes when I try and upgrade a secure token to a session token, I get: ERROR - Token upgrade for CIzF3546351...

How do I seamlessly authenticate users to use services associated with a Google Apps account?

Hi guys I'm building a Google Apps based solution. Basically I'm setting it up such that: When a Google Apps account holder installs it he/she enters the authentication details for a single Googles Apps account to be used - that account would be used by all users of the instance of the installed system for uploading to Google Docs asso...

Gdata JavaScript Authsub continues redirect

I am using the JavaScript Google Data API and having issues getting the AuthSub script to work correctly. This is my script currently: google.load('gdata', '1'); function getCookie(c_name){ if(document.cookie.length>0){ c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "="); if(c_start!=-1){ c_start=c_start + c_...

AuthSub and Blogger

I'm trying to retrieve a list of blogs of a given user. I think I've successivelly authorizated myself with all the token stuff, but when I ask for the list blog, I recieve a 302 moved temporarily. I'm using curl to send the requests. In my callback page, I upgrade the token to a session token: $header = array(); $header[] = 'GET /acco...

Google One time token problem

String requestUrl = AuthSubUtil.getRequestUrl(Constants.RETURN_URL,Constants.GOOGLE_DOCS_URL, false, true); return "redirect:"+requestUrl; After sign in using google account and grant access, it takes me to RETURN_URL with appened token but i am get invalid token like this http://myurl?token=1/AIUEL-JKEA_KEIOI always starts with to...

Get AuthSub current user in Zend GData

I'm using Zend Gdata to connect users to a shared Google Docs spreadsheet that serves as a backend to a custom interface. I need to track which user most recently changed the value in a particular column. I'm not aware of a way to do this using Google Spreadsheets (but that would be an acceptable answer to my question). Is there a w...