
[Gdata] GetAuthSubToken returns None

Hey guys, I am a little lost on how to get the auth token. Here is the code I am using on the return from authorizing my app: client = gdata.service.GDataService() gdata.alt.appengine.run_on_appengine(client) sessionToken = gdata.auth.extract_auth_sub_token_from_url(self.request.uri) client.UpgradeToSessionToken(sessionToken) logging.i...

How to find who last updated a GData entry ?

I am building a sync application between GData and another source, using Zend GData library. While it is clear how to get the last update timestamp, I am not sure about the last updater. In order to decide whether I should sync the entry or not, I want to verify it wasn't me (the sync application) which updated it. Looking at the Zend_...

Does Google's GData Picasa API and OAuth work using C#?

Does Google's GData Picasa API and OAuth work using C#? If so, can someone post how to set the OAuthToken and then make calls using the PicasaService? I am able to get all the way to creating an oauth_token but cannot figure out how to set this value in the GData API and succesfully make calls. Thanks. ...

Google's Oauth for Installed apps vs. Oauth for Web Apps

So I'm having trouble understanding something... If you do Oauth for Web Apps, you register your site with a callback URL and get a unique consumer secret key. But once you've obtained an Oauth for Web Apps token, you don't have to generate Oauth calls to the google server from your registered domain. I regularly use my key and token fr...

Google Calendar feed api deleted events

I'm syncing the Google Calendar with my application (I store events in a database). When an event is updated I can easily find the last updates by sorting the event feed on the 'updated' order. However, if an event is removed / deleted, how can I track this update from the feed? ...

Insert hundreds of rows into Google spreadsheet with Zend Gdata?

Inserting rows one by one from a 600 record data-set is taking almost an hour, using the following method: foreach($people as $person){ $insert['name'] = $associate -> name; $insertedListEntry = $spreadsheetService->insertRow($insert, $spreadsheetKey, $worksheetId); } Is it possible to insert multiple rows at once? ...

How do I insert video greater than 1MB with api direct method

I am using the service to insert a video entry. It is failing with a url fetch error complaining that the file is too large. It is a pretty small video (1.7MB). In an ideal world, there is a natural way to break up the file as necessary and stream it in chunks. Is there an api to do this already. Here is the code I am usin...

how can i insert a new sitemap with google gdata api? it returns 400 bad request

i try to insert a new sitemap to google using api, but i can't do it successful-_- this is the method var fullDomainUrl = ""; var entry = new SitemapsEntry(); entry.Id = new AtomId(fullDomainUrl + "sitemap.xml"); entry.Categories.Add(new AtomCategory("

GData is user part of Apps Premier domains or Apps Standard domains

Is there a way do figure out if a user is part of Apps Premier domains, Apps Standard domains or just a regular google account? ...

Gwt-gdata authentication

Hi guys, I'm writing an application with GWT and I found on the internet that there's a library to use easily gdata features. In particular I need to use the integration with Google Calendar. I followed the official guide on gwt-gdata site to do the authentication ( ) but unfortunate...

Get Video Links from Youtube Channel, extract video IDs from Urls and store them in an array

Hi there, This is my first question on this site. I'm new to php but i've followed advice and gotten my hands as filthy with it as possible. Unfortunately now I'm a little stumped with this simple Youtube app i'm trying to create. I know there are a several related questions out there, but i haven't yet found a comprehensive soluti...

gdata youtube api 302 'The document has moved'

I'm trying to get YouTube feeds with the python gdata library. Authentication features work ok, yt_service.ProgrammaticLogin() works, generating subauth token works, etc., but when I try to get some feeds (GetMostRecentVideoFeed, GetYouTubeVideoEntry, even GetFeed, and any other) I get: RequestError: {'status': 302, 'body': '<HTML><HEAD...

PHP DOM vs SimpleXML for Atom GData feed parsing

I'm building a library to access the Google Analytics Data Export API. All the data the library accesses is in Atom format and utilises numerous different namespaces throughout. My experiments with the API have used SimpleXML for parsing so far, especially as all I have been doing is accessing the data held within the feed. Now I'm comi...

Change Gmail message routing on individual mailboxes

We are using dual delivery for one of our Google Apps domains and need to be able to disable mail delivery to the Gmail account. You can manually update the settings on a per user basis through the Admin interface by unchecking the box next to "Google Apps Email" in the Email routing section. From the Google Apps API documentation for t...

SyntaxError using gdata-python-client to access Google Book Search Data API

>>> import gdata.books.service >>> service = gdata.books.service.BookService() >>> results = service.search_by_keyword(isbn='0434003484') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module> results = service.search_by_keyword(isbn='0434003484') ... snip ... File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\atom\", l...

Post from RSS to Blogger

Hi, I have created a blog at Blogger, say What I need is to post new entries in my blog whenever there is any new entry in a RSS Feed say:;cf=all&amp;ned=en_pk&amp;hl=en&amp;q=silicon+valley&amp;cf=all&amp;output=rss I have tried using, but its throwing error "wrong...

How to use a Proxy with Youtube API? (Python)

Hi, I'm working a script that will upload videos to YouTube with different accounts. Is there a way to use HTTPS or SOCKS proxies to filter all the requests. My client doesn't want to leave any footprints for Google. The only way I found was to set the proxy environment variable beforehand but this seems cumbersome. Is there some way I'm...

Zend Image upload and generating thumbnails on fly

Hi there, I am a php programmer, but new to zend framework. I want to upload image, create medium and small(thubmnail) image on fly, I passed a couple of hours searching for a php library [ compatible with zend ] that can make my tasks easy. I dont want to write the code that already exists. thanks for any help. I want also to know w...

Fiddler, localhost, IIS, PHP and GData

Hi I have managed to get Fiddler monitoring my localhost traffic by specifying my machine name. I am using IIS7 (localhost) on Vista business. I'm developing using PHP and am currently using the Zend GData framework to communicate with Google Calendar. I am not seeing any communication between the IIS/Localhost server and the Google se...

Using GData API for your Custom domaine name on GAE

I got this code from Google Document List Data API v 3.0 URL feedUri = new URL(""); DocumentQuery query = new DocumentQuery(feedUri); query.setTitleQuery("Test"); query.setTitleExact(true); query.setM...