
Retrieving a Google Calendar Event with Zend_Gdata Library Using Event URL

I'm trying to retrieve a Google Calendar event using the Zend Gdata library. When I create an event I store in my database the event URL returned by the insertevent method. Initially I thought I could just use this URL to then delete the event later on. After a little research I realized that you actually need a special URL which is the...

AuthSub target path prefix does not match the provided "next" URL

I am trying to use the Gcal API in PHP. I am using the ZEND framework function getAuthSubUrl($company) { $next = "http://$company.mysite.com"; $scope = 'http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/'; $secure = false; $session = true; return (Zend_Gdata_AuthSub::getAuthSubTokenUri($next, $scope, $secure, $session)); } $authSubUrl =...

Can't upload from my php form to google docs - getting error...

Hi guys I'm building a form that uploads documents to my google docs account however its not working I keep getting an error - the following is my code; $service = Zend_Gdata_Docs::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; $client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($username, $pww, $service); $docs = new Zend_Gdata_Docs($client); $newDocumentEntry = $do...

How to find who last updated a GData entry ?

I am building a sync application between GData and another source, using Zend GData library. While it is clear how to get the last update timestamp, I am not sure about the last updater. In order to decide whether I should sync the entry or not, I want to verify it wasn't me (the sync application) which updated it. Looking at the Zend_...

Php Form data to Google Spreadsheets

I am trying to save data from my existing webform written in php to a google spreadsheet. I tried the Zend GData and can't seem to find my way around it. Does anyone have a better solution for this. Is it possible to grab the data and insert it into mysql database and to google spreadsheet at the same time? ...

How do we read the data from a public google spreadsheet using Zend_Gdata

I have read the examples here: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.gdata.spreadsheets.html But those examples assume the spreadsheet to be read needs authentication: $service = Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; $client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($user, $pass, $service); $spreadsheetService = new Zend_Gdata_S...

Google Spreadsheet API problem: memory exceeded

Hi guys, Don't know if anyone has experience with the Google Spreadsheets API or the Zend_GData classes but it's worth a go: When I try to insert a value in a 750 row spreadsheet, it takes ages and then throws an error that my memory limit (which is 128 MB!) was exceeded. I also got this when querying all records of this spreadsheet bu...

How can be created new user in google Google Apps Standard Edition account with Zend Gdata/PHP ?

Hi, How can be created new user in google Google Apps Standard Edition account with Zend Gdata/PHP ? (Is it possible or google only give option to make it manually?) Thanks ...

Zend GData is driving me crazy.

I'm working on a project to pull in album information from a user after authenticating using AuthSub. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to pull a list of all the albums associated with the default authenticated user. When I call getAuthSubTokenInfo I get .. Target=dev.mywebsite.com Secure=false Scope=http://picasaweb.google.co...

Google calendar API not returning all canceled events

I'm having a strange problem with the Google Calendar API (through PHP with Zend_Gdata.) On the calendar in question I have several recurring events starting in March: 2010-04-19 9:30 - 16:00 2010-04-20 10:00 - 15:30 2010-04-21 9:30 - 16:00 2010-04-22 10:00 - 15:30 2010-04-23 9:30 - 12:30 Each of these repeats indefinitely but h...

Call to a member function getDOM() on a non-object

I'm trying to create a PHP function that adds an event to a google Calendar. It appears to be building the object correctly but it throws a "Call to a member function getDOM() on a non-object in FeedEntryParent.php" error when trying to add the event. Here is the abbreviated class with only the constructor and the function that adds th...

An Ajax request is taking 6 seconds to complete, not sure why

I am working on a user interface, "dashboard" of sorts which has some div boxes on it, which contain information relevant to the current logged in user. Their calendar, a todo list, and some statistics dynamically pulled from a google spreadsheet. I found here: http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/data/3.0/reference.html#CellFeed th...

YouTube videos not playing in chromeless player in Flash using Zend_GData_Youtube class in PHP to pass results to flash (Works fine on Mac Safari??)

I have been noticing some strange (but consistent) behavior with the chromeless YouTube Player API. I have a Flash AS2 SWF that uses cueVideoById() to show the thumbnail images of videos which works great. When the thumb is clicked I call playVideo() to play the video. For some videos this loads the video and when I look at the traf...

Get a list of Worksheets using Zend Gdata API for PHP

I want to list all the worksheets with the name of the sheet and the "worksheetid" which is used in the API to reference the sheet. ...

GData API Share Calendar Zend

Hey I have been playing with the GDATA_Calendar implementation inside the Zend Framework and have been successfully able to create sub calendars. However, I have been having trouble in dynamically sharing these calendars with users. Looking over the official Google docs (http://code.google.com/apis/calendar/data/2.0/developers_guide_pr...

Does anyone know how to get Zend_Gdata_Calendar to fetch events for secondary calendars?

I have got as far as using ClientLogin to log in to the Google Account, I can retrieve a list of the calendar names for this user (using the example code on the Dev Guide). This is great. However, when I demand a list of events (again using Google's example code) only the events for the primary calendar are returned. If it is the case ...