
how to get application name for a google doc?

I am trying to talk the google docs. I need the appcation name string. I have no idea what it is. please help ...

Google Docs API. Upload file using curl.

Hi. Anyone know how to post file using curl to the google documents. I write this code: $header[] = "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=seсretkey"; $header[] = "Content-Type: application/pdf"; $header[] = "Slug: testdoc"; $header[] = "Content-Length: ".$_FILES['file']['size'].""; $url = ""...

Google account authorization for users accessing google docs

I am pulling list of docs in coldfusion via google docs API. I want users to click on the link and get signed in automatically in google docs, with my username and password. Google should not ask user name and password from them. I tried out this example Till now I am able to pull up list of documents I h...

How to use OAuth in Coldfusion application?

I want to authorize my web-application for all users landing on it with a common google account. I am using google Document List API and want other users to get authorized by the common google account whenever they want to access the document. Thanks ...

How to authorize to download PDF document from content got from google-documents list-api

I have list of google docs which i got by authorizing myself with below code: <cfhttp url="" method="post" result="result" charset="utf-8"> <cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="accountType" value="HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE"> <cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="Email" value="

Need to upload files to google docs from my application and store reference to the uploaded file...

Hi guys - I'm working on a basic google applications based system. Like I earlier defined I'm building a simple ordering system and to each order placed I attach a file or document. I would like to be able to set it such that whatever file I upload is uploaded into google docs and I somehow am able to maintain a reference to that file fr...

Use Google Docs API to download file of any type

Is it possible to download files of any type from Google Docs using the Google Docs API? (jpg, zip, txt) I can figure out how to download word, powerpoint, and excel files but want to be able to upload and download any type of file to Google Docs. I know it is possible to do this with the online uploader but can't seem to get the downlo...

Is the google docs api incompatible with C# 4.0?

I've added references to all the required docs api dll's, but I still get missing reference exceptions when I try to compile. ...

How to get previous versions of a spreadsheet with Google Docs API?

The "previous version" interface on Google Docs is very primitive. It wouldn't even allow you to select two arbitrary versions for comparison (but correct me if I'm wrong.) How can I access the previous versions via the API? ...

How to download all your google docs from shell

Hello, gents. I learned how to download single google doc. But I am trying to make a script that downloads all my data in text format and then merges them in 1 text file. So, I wonder how to implement downloading part so that 1 can get zip file with all my files just as you do with web browser. Here is my newb script to get single file. ...

Google Document export via API

After using Zend_GData to retrieve a document list feed, I can use the content URLs in the form:;docid&gt;&amp;hl=en but the source URLs in the form;docid&gt;&amp;exportFormat=html are returning 404 errors. That URL should ...

How can I get the plain-text content of a Google Doc via Google Doc API in Silverlight?

I would like to use the Google Doc API to retrieve the plain-text content of a Google Doc document (not a spreadsheet) via the Google Docs API. In the documentation I can find information about accessing Spreadsheets and how to "create/upload/copy" documents: Does anyone have a C# co...

Using Google App Engine how to upload document in google docs (python)

Hello, I want to upload document, file to google docs using Google Apps Engine (python) any code or link will be appreciated ...

Using GData API for your Custom domaine name on GAE

I got this code from Google Document List Data API v 3.0 URL feedUri = new URL(""); DocumentQuery query = new DocumentQuery(feedUri); query.setTitleQuery("Test"); query.setTitleExact(true); query.setM...

OAuth authentication fails for google data APIs for hosted domains using gdata

Hello world! I'm creating a django app that creates a calendar and a google docs folder for the users, and uses the API to insert events and add documents. A few months ago, it worked nice enough; now I'm doing a major refactoring of my code and, while testing the aforementioned components, I discovered that they don't work anymore! Whe...

How to open a Google doc without logging in?

Hi all, I'm trying to make a listing of Google Docs in a user's account. I want a button to directly redirect the user to a doc to edit it, but I can't get it done without being prompted for user credentials. I'm using clientLogin to authenticate and I'd really like to pass that on so the user won't have to log in manually. I've tried...

Download a spreadsheet from Google Docs using Python

Can you produce a Python example of how to download a Google Docs spreadsheet given its key and worksheet ID (gid)? I can't. I've scoured versions 1, 2 and 3 of the API. I'm having no luck, I can't figure out their compilcated ATOM-like feeds API, the private method says that I'm unauthorize...

Downloading google doc file page by page thru API

Hello, I understand when i upload any PDF in google docs it converts in to PNG and it downloads page by page when we view the document thru the google document viewer. ( Now i am trying to download PNG page by page as gview do...

Google docs : does it exist some models in HTML or other webformat to publish a spreadsheet?

I've tested the API of Google to interact with Google doc (Calendar, Spreadsheet, ect) and evrything runs correctly. However, I wonder if there is a framework that implements some model in HTML or an other web format to publish/visualize a calendar or a spreadsheet within a web page. My goal is to integrate a spreadsheet/calendar into a ...

How can I access public spreadsheets with the Google Docs C# API?

I've written a C# program using the Google Docs .NET API to read a Google worksheet into a DataTable given a user name, password, spreadsheet name, and worksheet name. This all works fine, but the programming model seems to revolve around giving the spreadsheet service a set of credentials, and then paring down the resulting feed to get ...