



I have list of google docs which i got by authorizing myself with below code:

<cfhttp url="" method="post" result="result" charset="utf-8">
        <cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="accountType" value="HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE">
        <cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="Email" value="[email protected]">
        <cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="Passwd" value="xyz">
        <cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="service" value="writely">
        <cfhttpparam type="formfield" name="source" value="abc-xyz-2010">

Now I am able to download word documents and PPT by the help of content.xmlAttribute from the xml file having all documents. But I am not able to download PDF files. Error message I am getting is "Authorization require error 401".I checked documentation it say that: It is also not possible to manually contruct the download URL for these types of files. Instead, send an authenticated HTTP GET to the entry's src link:

<content type="text/html" src=";e=download&amp;gd=true"/&gt;

Can someone please tell me how to pass authorization information and get the PDF download link working. Thanks a lot in advance!!


Replace method="post" with method="get" ?
