
Google Calendar API: GDataEntryCalendarEvent question

Hi, I'm trying to use the google GData api to insert an event in a google calendar. My question is this: I don't see anywhere in the header files for GDataEntryCalendarEvent the ability to add guests to an event? Anyone know how to do that? ...

Stopping youtube video once it reaches a point

It looks like the YouTube API does not have a way to stop a video playing once it reaches a certain point. It has a way to start it at a certain point, but not to stop it at a certain point. I'm wondering if there's a workaround for this? or maybe I glanced over it without noticing. ...

How to upload video on YouTube with Ruby

I am trying to upload a youtube video using the GData gem (I have seen the youtube_g gem but would like to make it work with pure GData if possible), but I keep getting this error: GData::Client::BadRequestError in 'MyProject::Google::YouTube should upload the actual video to youtube (once it does, mock this test out)' request error 400...

How can I insert a new Event for non primary Calendar using gdata.js ?

I am using gdata.js for inserting new Event. I am able to insert only user's primary calendar. The primary Calendar Feed uri is Which feed uri can I use for insert a new event other than primary calendar. Thanks in advance. ...

What is a GDATA extension profile?

I want to get the XML in atom format of a GoogleDocs spreadsheet using the [generateAtom(..,..)][1] method of the class BaseEntry which a SpreadsheetEntry inherits. But I don't understand the the second parameter in the method, ExtensionProfile. What is it and will this method call suffice if I just want to get the XML in atom format? ...

using Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets for public spreadsheets?

I have this code which is working, to load a Google Spreadsheet and load some data from it. If the spreadsheet in question is public, how do i modify the code to not require a username/password? $key="keytothespreadsheet"; $user="[email protected]"; $pass="*****"; $authService = Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; $httpClient = ...

GData for my own API?

Hi StackOverflow! Im currently planning to build an API for my service. I want to use GData because it fits the application scheme and there are libraries for many programming languages available. The first question that rose: Am I allowed to do that? I mean, Google put lots of work into the GData specification and have some sort of cop...

Possible to request gsessionid without a 302 response.

I'm writing a google gdata API client in Flash/AS2 (sadly, moving to AS3 is not an option at this time). Logging in via ClientLogin works fine but subquent requests will return a 302 redirect that includes a gsessionid I am supposed to include with future requests to avoid the 302s. Flash/AS2, AFAIK, does not allow me to actually que...

How can I insert a new Event for non primary Calendar? Using python gdata

def addEvent(calendar_service): event = gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry() event.content = atom.Content(text='Tennis with John 30.12.2009 15:00-16:00') event.quick_add = gdata.calendar.QuickAdd(value='true') new_event = calendar_service.InsertEvent(event, '/calendar/feeds/default/private/full') This write to primary Ca...

Hello, I've got working code that uses the gdata to retrieve feeds from my user's Google Finance portfolios, but I had to use setUserCredentials(username,password). What I'd like to do is avoid asking the user for their username/password since the Android device already has access to their Google account. I believe I should be able to ...

Can not get the Auth Token for GData After Authentication on App Engine

I would like to pull the Auth Token for the Gdata auth so that I can write to a google calendar. I am having issues getting the token after authentication so that I can send the token to the calendar service. I am using the default login screen provided by appengine (/_ah/login) and I am able to login and authenticate, however, I am una...

Get a exception of "error connecting with login URI" when running Google Data's example

When I run the example CalendarFeedDemo in the JAVA package of the Google Data API client library, I've encounterd a exception like this java -classpath "classes:lib/*" CalendarFeedDemo [email protected] mypassed[email protected] Error connecting with log...

Google Calendar "other calendars" XML feeds

I'm building a webapp that leverages gdata-api to bring a user's calendars into the application. I'd like to also be able to bring their other calendars in as well, but can't find an XML feed for some of them. I've noticed that not all of the "other calendars" in Google Calendar have XML feeds. For instance, over a year ago I subscrib...

Blogger (Python) API: How do I retrieve a post by post ID?

Having previously obtained a post ID from a call to gdata.blogger.client.add_post()... post = client.add_post(...) post_id = post.get_post_id() do I use that post id to retrieve the post in the future? I thought maybe gdata.blogger.client.Query would be the way to go, but this doesn't support post id as a query term. The exam...

How to publish a dynamic event feed for google calendar?

I'm building a webapp that manages certain types of events for users. I want to provide a way to display those events inside of a user's google calendar. What I was really hoping for was a way to publish my own google calendar compatible feed and allow users to subscribe to it, like they can subscribe to "interesting calendars". So th...

Zend GData, Google Calendar API Question.

Hi, I read the tutorial from IBM development website. I tested successfully. Now I don't know how to insert the event Description at my event view page. Based on the code below. Only showed event id, event title. Is there a parameter like event->description ? thanks....

Can't use Post in Google Contact API

I'm trying Google Contact API from oAuth Playground. I post data <atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns:gd=""&gt; <atom:category scheme="" term=""/&gt; <atom:title type="text">Salsa group</atom:tit...

GDataRequest for fusion tables in web application returning gibberish

This code private final String SERVICE_URL =""; private final Pattern CSV_VALUE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^,\\r\\n\"]*|\"(([^\"]*\"\")*[^\"]*)\")(,|\\r?\\n)"); private GoogleService service; service = new GoogleService("fusiontables", "fusiontables.ApiExample"); service.setUserCredentials("my...

Specifying Parameters in Zend_GData when using an Oauth Token?

So, I figured out how to get an access token from Google using the Zend_Oauth library in 1.10. Now lets say I want to get my contacts... $config = array( 'consumerKey' => 'zzz', 'signatureMethod' => 'HMAC-SHA1', 'consumerSecret' => 'xxx' ); $token = unserialize($_SESSION['GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN']); $client = $token->ge...

change the who of google calendar event with gdata framework

$gdataCal= new Zend_gdata_calendar($client); //on retrouve l'event a partir de eventURL stocké lors de la création $event = $gdataCal->getCalendarEventEntry($id_event); $who= $gdataCal->newWho();// $who objet de type Zend_Gdata_Extension_Who //les nouvelles valeurs du who $email ="";...