
in ColdFusion 8, can you declare a function as private using cfscript?

Normally you create a function using cfscript like: <cfscript> function foo() { return "bar"; } </cfscript> Is there a way to declare this as a private function, available only to other methods inside the same cfc? I know you can do it with tags: <cffunction name="foo" access="private"> <cfreturn "bar"> </cffunction> But I...

.NET assemblyBinding configuration ignored in machine.config

I have a situation where I need to be able to load assemblies in the GAC based on their partial names. In order to do this I have added the following to my app.config file: <runtime> <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <qualifyAssembly partialName="MyAssembly" fullName= "MyAssembly, Ver...

32 or 64 bit DLL loading from .Net managed code

I have a unmanaged DLL (the scilexer.dll of Scintilla code editor, used by Scintilla.Net from CodePlex) that is loaded from a managed application trough the Scintilla.Net component. The windows managed application runs without problem on both 32 and 64 bit environments, but I need to create different installations that uses the 64 or the...

How to solve: Custom MSBuild task requires assembly outside of AppBase

I have a custom Task that I want to execute when building my C# projects. This task is located in MyTask.dll, which references another assembly, MyCommon.DLL. The problem is that MyCommon.dll is located at "..\Common\MyCommon.dll" relative to MyTask.dll, which puts it outside the AppBase dir for MSBuild process. I've confirmed that this...

Data Integration between Oracle and External Application ?

We have an application that needs certain HR (Human Resource) data like the employee table etc. to initiate the manual and automate workflow process it is used for. Well I am looking into the way to integrate or synchronized with Oracle Data,lets say I get a new customer who has something called "Oracle HR" and they say we will buy your...

WCF throws FileNotFound exception for "System.ServiceModel" when creating ServiceHost.

I'm running into a really strange problem with WCF. I have 2 projects in a solution, each of them starts up some self-hosted WCF services. Project 1: myService = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService1)); Which runs fine. However, when I try to run my 2nd project, which contains: meService = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyOtherService)); I g...

How to ship gdiplus.dll but not have Windows use it?

i have an application that has a dependancy on gdiplus. i need the application to also run on Windows 2000. i want to include GDIPlus in the application directory, so that Windows 2000 computers will function, but if the machine is Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, etc, i want it to use the version of GDIPlus that ships, and is upda...

Instruct Window's fusion loader to use system dll first?

i need to deploy an application with a DLL in the application's directory for users on Windows 2000. The dll was shipped with Windows XP an later as a system dll. Windows XP was also when Microsoft introduced the Fusion loader, to resolve assembly dependancies. Is it possible to instruct to not use the version of the dll in my folder,...

How to iterate over a boost::fusion sequence?

I'm trying to initialise a list of args to use with fusion::invoke. The args are all of the form: template <typename Type> struct ArgWrapper { inline ArgWrapper(){} inline void Setup(lua_State*L,int idx) { //setup this value from the lua state... //in reality this class is specialised for different lua types ...

Advice for Delphi Development on a Mac?

I've started developing with Delphi on the Mac and thought I would share my observations and see if anyone else had any advice or tips for Mac development with Delphi. A while back I had some comment discussion about Delphi development on a Mac. It was in the comments of an answer to another question. With the passing of some months, ...

Order of constructors for a C# class: parameterized, default, and static?

Suppose I have a class with 3 constructors, a default (no argument) constructor, a parameterized constructor, and a static constructor. like this: public MyClass() { ... } public MyClass(string arg) : this() { ... } static MyClass() { ... } Supposing I invoke the parameterized constructor, in what order do these constructors ex...

Fusion loader can't find a DLL that is actually there - "Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information."

Does anyone have any idea what would cause the Fusion loader to simply skip over a DLL with no warning or acknowledgement? I'm seeing this problem when attempting to do (in C#) Assembly.LoadFrom("c:\Deploy\bin\WebServices.dll") from a command-line application. That DLL has a dependency on Platform.DLL, but the loading of that dep...

IBM WebSphere vs Oracle Fusion

I have been asked to research the advantages/disadvantages the two application servers, but am new to the space and am having a terrible time finding an unbiased comparison of the two platforms. I understand that this is a broad question and I hate that I can't give a very specific use case (other than it will be an implementation in an...

Can I determine what triggered an assembly load?

When windows service installer is bombing out with a "Error 1001. Unable to get installer types in the MyService.exe assembly." So it can't load MyServiceInstaller. Fusion logging is showing me that it is failing when trying to find my Data.dll assembly. The thing is, it should not need to load Data.dll to create my service install...

When does the CLR try to load a referenced assembly?

I want to write a small installer app that installs a web site and creates IIS virtual directories. The app should run on Windows XP/Server 2003 (IIS 6) as well as on Vista/2008 (IIS 7). The problem is: for IIS 6 we create virt dirs by calling WMI/Metabase API, for IIS 7 there is a much better API: Microsoft.Web.Administration, but its ...

Boost.MPL and type list generation

Background This is for a memory manager in a game engine. I have a freelist implemented, and would like to have a compile-time list if these. (A MPL or Fusion vector, for example). The freelist's correspond to allocation sizes, and when allocating/deallocating objects of size less than a constant, they will go to the corresponding freel...

.NET executable won't load referenced assemblies when started from \\localhost\xyz

My .NET executable abc.exe references several assemblies. One of them is called xyz.core.exe. I have trouble getting it to work when it is being started from a network location specified through a share name with a path such as \\localhost\xyz\abc.exe. This works fine if I mount a network drive letter named Z: on \\localhost\xyz and if I...

GDataRequest for fusion tables in web application returning gibberish

This code private final String SERVICE_URL ="http://tables.googlelabs.com/api/query"; private final Pattern CSV_VALUE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^,\\r\\n\"]*|\"(([^\"]*\"\")*[^\"]*)\")(,|\\r?\\n)"); private GoogleService service; service = new GoogleService("fusiontables", "fusiontables.ApiExample"); service.setUserCredentials("my...

Google fusion tables api url encoding

This example code and more specific the runUpdate(String updateQuery) function is not working with non-english characters in the updateQuery. After the execution of this query i see in my fusion tables question marks where non-english chars should be. Any ideas? Thank you ...

How to register a non-strong-name assembly to be loaded as if it were in the GAC?

One of our partners provided us with an assembly we need to access from our application. Unfortunately, this is not strong-name so we can't install it to the GAC. And we can't place it in the same place as our executable. Is there a solution for this? EDIT: This will be a temporary solution only for testing, when they go RC, we will ha...