



I had a long detailed question about how to get a specific calendar's event feed, but figured (I think) a solution out before I posted. However, even with the solution I'm left wondering what I'm missing about this process. To get a single calendar's event feed (or to search that feed) I do the following:

  • Authenticate (obviously)
  • Get a list of Calendars: getCalendarListFeed();
  • Get the id property from one of the 'calendar' objects
  • Change: .../calendar/feeds/default/XXX%40YYY
  • To: .../calendar/feeds/XXX%40YYY/private/full
  • Pass that to getCalendarEventFeed() to query for that calendar.

Why do I have to manipulate the ID? It seems like the documentation for Zend_Gdata is spread over both Google's and Zend's sites. I haven't located a good reference on available properties from getCalendarListFeed(), so maybe I should grab something other than the ID?

It seems like there has to be more straightforward way - what am I missing here?

+1  A: 

You don't have to manipulate the ID.

If you look at the protocol guide, there's a <link rel="alternate" .../> element which contains the URL you want.

In the PHP client, you can retrieve this link by calling:

// $entry is an instance of Zend_Gdata_Calendar_ListEntry
$link = $entry->getAlternateLink()->getHref();

Also, the documentation you're looking for is here:

Trevor Johns

I was looking for an answer to this same question and eventually came up with the following:

$service = Zend_Gdata_Calendar::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME;
$Client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient('googleaccount','googlepass',$service);
$Service = new Zend_Gdata_Calendar($Client);

$Query = $Service->newEventQuery();
$Query->setUser('calendarid'); # As you know, you can obtain this with getCalendarListFeed()

The part that threw me off at first was that the "user" portion of the call is actually the calendar ID. Then you can do something like:

$events = $Service->getCalendarEventFeed($Query);
foreach ($events as $Event)
   // work with Event object here...

(The above should really be enclosed in a try/catch, but I'm too lazy to do that here.)
