



I want to run squeryl for PostgreSQL on scala in ellipse. But I have no idea how will do it. I tried to see on the site but there is no mention of the steps needed. Only the list of neccessary files is given.

can anybody guide me step-by-step to run squeryl for scala in ellipse. I am running scala 2.8.0

+1  A: 

If you happen to be using sbt, add the following to your project file:

    val squeryl  = "org.squeryl" % "squeryl_2.8.0" % "0.9.4beta8" % "provided"

then type 'update' at the sbt prompt.

UPDATE: Sorry, this was effectively answered yesterday:

CustomTypesMode is not a member of package org.squeryl.customtypes?

Crosbie Smith